
Take care of your new puppy

[Catalog:ennews] [Date:2018/11/20] [Hits:] [Return]
Owning a dog is a great responsibility, but it brings the dividends of love, loyalty, protection and friendship to people of all ages!When you learn about your new puppy, remember that he is a child.Like all babies, he needs lots of guidance, sleep, a safe place to recuperate, proper diet, veterinary care and a lot of your attention.

We list them as your puppy's four basic needs: nutrition, environment, maintenance and behavior.When you meet these needs and the loving environment you provide, your puppy will be a member of your family in the next few years!

Kennel - dogs are animals, so they find comfort and safety in a cozy kennel.Kennel training is also a quick and effective way to train your puppy.Consult a pet consultant for more information and pick up our brochure to give your dog a small room.

Bed/recliner - giving your puppy his own bed to sleep in will help train him to stay in the furniture or his own bed.It's not as airy as sleeping on the floor, and it's more comfortable.

Puppy food - puppies' digestive systems can be fragile and react poorly to sudden changes in food, causing stomach upset and diarrhea.Ask your pet counselor how much food you should give your puppy and when you should feed him.Provision of fresh water

High-calorie supplements - some smaller breeds of puppies or picky eaters may need these supplements to boost weight gain.It is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
Skin and coat supplements - this supplement is added to their food to develop and maintain a healthy coat and significantly reduce shedding!

Nail clippers and fixings - you must often clip your puppy's nails throughout his life.To make you feel more comfortable, your pet counselor will show you the right way to cut your nails.You must be careful not to overtrim or cut the blood vessels that run through each nail.If this happens, keep the clotting agent waiting and ready to be used.

Puppy shampoo - how often do you bathe your puppy?Often needed!Always use puppy shampoo, and when he grows up, use dog shampoo.Human shampoos are not recommended because they differ in pH from puppy shampoos.They often cause skin irritation and dull coats.Pet conditioner brings the miracle of reducing tangles and adding a wonderful scent to coats.

Brushes and combs - rubber brushes or gloves for short-haired puppies work well.Medium - length puppies should be treated with a smooth brush and a stainless steel comb.For long hair, use a smoothing tool.Ask your pet counselor what brushes and combs are suitable for your puppy

Bowl - choose bowls that are easy to clean and hard to beat.Ceramic or stainless steel works best, especially for moist foods, because plastic cutlery tends to produce a nasty smell.Double diners, with removable dishes, are very convenient.For larger breeds of puppies and dogs, there are adjustable level feeding dishes, so they can eat comfortably!

Belts, collars and recognition - the best way to keep a puppy safe is to identify it with a microchip or tattoo.This is usually done when changes are made around six months.You can make the engraving identification label at the Petland store and attach it to the collar.The collar is something you can adjust as you get older.Some pet owners choose to use seat belts.If your puppy is a bit exuberant, the harness is safer than the collar.Belts are available in a variety of colors and materials.Provide flexible leads, lightweight and easy to use.They allow you to shorten or extend the belt at the touch of a button!

Puppy drops or sprays - sometimes it's hard to know where to go!There are so many smells and so many choice points to enter!Use puppy drops, sprays or worn-out pads to make it easier for you and your puppy.These pherome-based products encourage your puppy to "go to the potty" in an outdoor spot marked by his natural instincts to make housebreaking easier.Pee Post ™ can also attract the puppy well in a place to Pee.

Stain and odor remover - yes, your puppy can have an accident or two.Effective stain and odor remover, especially pet stains and odors, will help prevent him from returning to the contaminated area.Home remedies, such as vinegar, just don't work

Snacks - snacks play an important role in the puppy's daily life.Snacks reinforce good behavior and serve as training aid.Most importantly, they are a good rest to look forward to!

Toys - all puppies have a natural tendency to chew.It provides exercise, relieves tension and cleans teeth.You should provide your puppy with a variety of chew toys specially designed for puppies (each has one: soft, medium and hard materials).Rotate his toys regularly, so he doesn't get bored and often gives him new ones.